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;20. [[IS Families/IS91-ISCR families|IS''91'' and related IS''CR'' families]]
;20. [[IS Families/IS91-ISCR families|IS''91'' and related IS''CR'' families]]
;21. [[IS Families/IS200-IS605 family|IS<i>200</i>/IS<i>605</i> family]]
;21. [[IS Families/IS200-IS605 family|IS<i>200</i>/IS<i>605</i> family]]  [updated on 01/03/22]

Revision as of 14:11, 3 January 2022

Prokaryotic Insertion Sequences (IS)
1. IS1 family
2. IS1595 family
3. IS3 family
4. IS481 family
5. IS4 and related families
     5a. IS701 family
     5b. ISH3 family
     5c. IS1634 family
6. IS5 and related IS1182 families
7. IS6 family [updated on 10/27/21]
8. IS21 family
9. IS30 family
10. IS66 family
11. IS110 and IS1111 families
12. IS256 family
13. IS630 family
14. IS982 family
15. IS1380 family
16. ISAs1 family
17. ISL3 family
18. ISAzo13 family
19. IS607 family
20. IS91 and related ISCR families
21. IS200/IS605 family [updated on 01/03/22]

Quick Access Table: Main Characteristics and Summary of Each IS family and Sub-Groups

Characteristics of insertion sequence families. Abbreviations: DR, duplication repeat; IS, insertion sequence; ORF, open reading frame.
Families Sub-Groups Typical size-range (bp) DR (bp) Ends IRs No ORFs Frameshift Catalytic residues Mechanism
IS1 740–1180 8–9 GGnnnTG Y 2 ORFAB DDE copy-and-paste and cointegrate
single ORF 800–1200 0–9 N 1
ISMhu11 900–4600 0–10 Y 2 ORFAB
IS1595 ISPna2 1000–1150 8 GGCnnTG Y 1 DDNK copy-and-paste (?)
ISPna2+pass 1500–2600 8 1+pass
IS1016 700–745 7–9 GGGgctg DDEK
IS1595 900–1100 8 CcTGATT DDNK+ER4R7
ISSod11 1000–1100 8 nnnGcnTATC DDHK+ER4R7
ISNwi1 1080–1200 8 ggnnatTAT DDEK+ER4
ISNwi1+pass 1750–4750 8 1+pass
ISNha5 3450–7900 8 CGGnnTT 1 DDER/K
IS3 IS150 1200–1600 3–4 TG Y 2 ORFAB DDE copy-and-paste
IS407 1100–1400 4 TG
IS51 1000–1400 3–4 TG
IS3 1150–1750 3–4 TGa/g
IS2 1300–1400 5 TG
IS481 950–1300 4–15 TGT Y 1 DDE copy-and-paste (?)
IS4 IS10 1200–1350 9 CT Y 1 DDE hairpin intermediate cut-and-paste
IS50 1350–1550 8–9 C hairpin intermediate
ISPepr1 1500–1600 7–8 -T-AA ?
IS4 1400–1600 10–13 -AAT ?
IS4Sa 1150–1750 8–10 CA ?
ISH8 1400–1800 10 ?
IS231 1450–5400 10–12 CAT 1 or + * *passenger genes
IS701 1400–1550 4 Y 1 DDE
ISH3 1225–1500 4–5 C-GT Y 1 DDE
IS1634 1500–2000 5–6 C Y 1 DDE
IS5 IS903 950–1150 9 GG Y 1 DDE
ISL2 850–1200 2–3
ISH1 900–1150 8 -GC
IS5 1000–1500 4 Ga/g
IS1031 850–1050 3 GAa/g
IS427 800–1000 2–4 Ga/g 2 ORFAB
IS1182 1330–1950 0–60 Y 1 DDE
IS6 700–900 8 GG Y 1 DDE co-integrate
IS21 1750–2600 4–8 TG Y 2 * DDE
IS30 1000–1700 2–3 Y 1 DDE copy-and-paste
IS66 2000–3000 8–9 GTAA Y 3* DDE*
ISBst12 1350–1900 1 DDE
IS256 1200–1500 8–9 Ga/g Y 1 DDE copy-and-paste
IS1249 1300 0–10 GG
ISC1250 1250 0–9 GG
ISH6 1450 8 GGT Y 1 DDE
ISLre2 1500–2000 9 Y 1 DDE
ISKra4 ISAzba1 1400–2900 0 Y 1 or + * DDE
ISMich2 1250–1400 8 GGG 1 or 2 ORFAB
ISKra4 1400–3700 9 GGG 1 or + *
IS630 1000–1400 2* Y 1 or 2 ORFAB DDE cut-and-paste
IS982 1000 3–9 AC Y 1 DDE
IS1380 1550–2000 4–5 CC Y 1 DDE
ISAs1 1200–1500 8–10 CAGGG Y 1
ISL3 1300–2300 8 GG Y 1
Tn3 >3000 0 GGGG Y >1 DDE co-integrate
ISAzo13 1250–2200 0–4 Ga/g Y 1
IS110 1200–1550 0 N 1 DEDD
IS1111 Y*
IS91 1500–2000 0 N 1 HUH/Y2 rolling-circle
IS200/IS605 IS200 600–750 0 0 1* HUH/Y1 peel-and-paste
IS605 1300–2000 2* HUH/Y1**
IS607 1700–2500 0 N 2* Serine**
ISNCY * IS892 1600 0–8 CTAG Y 2 ORFAB
ISLbi1 1400–1500 5 Y 1
ISMae2 1400–2400 9 CAG Y 1
ISPlu15 800–1000 0 N 1
ISA1214 1000–1200 8–12 Y 2
ISC1217 1200 6–8 TAG Y 1
ISM1 1300–1600 8–9 Y 1
IS1202 1400–1700 5 TGT Y 1 DDEQ
ISDol1 1600–1900 6–7 Y 1 DDE
* ISNCY = Insertion Sequence Not Classified Yet