The Major Transposon Families. The transposons are NOT to scale. The horizontal black bars above each indicate a length of 2 kb. Transposons are represented as yellow-filled boxes. Genes are represented as arrows below the transposon with the direction of expression Indicated by the arrow heads.Transposition-related genes are shown as lavender, resistance genes as red, integron integrase as blue, genes with other functions in pink and hypothetical genes in magenta. Recombination sites are shown in green.
1) composite or compound transposon, Tn
2) Tn
3 family transposon of the Tn
3 group, Tn
3) Tn
3 family transposon of the Tn
21 group, Tn
4) Tn
7 family transposon, Tn
5) Tn
402 family transposon, Tn
402. 6) Tn
554 family transposon, Tn